An Online Community for Massage Therapists & Alternative Health Practitioners

Welcome! This site is for massage therapists and other alternative health practitioners in and around the San Francisco Bay Area. We are just beginning to construct our site, and you are invited to join us now and be part of an exciting new community. Read on to find out what this site can do for you...

We want to create a common ground for the exchange of ideas, information, opportunities, and communication amongst alternative health practitioners. There’s no need to rely on a few scattered contacts or to go searching around for bulletin board announcements. You can post items up on this site for others to respond to, and you can look here for opportunities for yourself as well. Click here to find out more.

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Of course, a bulletin board can't talk back to you about what you have posted on it. It can't answer your questions, give advice, or let you pass along tips to others. So, we also have a portion of our site dedicated to online discussions. You can get to it by clicking on a "TalkBack" link. In Conscious Touch TalkBack, you can start a discussion topic, read other members' responses to a topic, put in your two cents, even start a real-time chat with other members who are online at the same time. Want to know more?

Have you looked into advertising your services in the local newspapers? Naturally, the most popular papers that everyone reads cost the most to advertise in. For practitioners just starting out or practicing only part-time, the costs can be prohibitive - as much as $1000 per month for a simple text ad. What if you could the many readers of those newspapers to come here and look at your $25 ad? As our membership increases enough to cover the cost of advertising in local papers, we will begin offering adspace on this site for you to promote your massage or alternative health practice. Click here for details on the cost of conventional advertising compared to what we will offer.

Can you afford $2000 to be LEGALLY LICENSED? Ready for a CRACKDOWN if you're not licensed? San Francisco is trying to pass a law that will really cost you. Find out more right here, then check out our discussions online and start Talking Back!

We need articles!Please submit suggestions for informative articles that could be reprinted on the site for everyone's benefit - or submit an article of your own! (please include all source info so reprint permissions may be obtained)

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Copyright © 1999-2001 by Conscious Touch and Patrick Rogers, CMT